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Volunteering (Draft Page)

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Volunteers are invaluable, helping with activities such as reading, Forest School, art and crafts, cookery, PE lessons or after school clubs. If you'd be interested in helping out at school, either regularly or whenever you have time, we'd love to hear from you.


Volunteers can be parents, or members of the wider community, such as grandparents or work experience students. We will ask to meet prospective volunteers who aren't known to the school community for a brief chat before they complete the application form.


It is school policy that we will obtain a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate for all volunteers, and that they follow our safeguarding policies and procedures.


If you would like to apply to be a volunteer, please complete the online form.
Volunteer Application Form

Links to:


Volunteer Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1

Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers

Whistleblowing Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

