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At Drayton, we feel passionately that the most significant thing that you, as parents, can do to support your child’s learning is to share books with them on a regular basis. By this we mean reading to your child, listening to your child read and talking about what you are reading. As adults, we are all reading role models – there is lots of evidence that children seeing their parents read is a powerful factor in encouraging them to read more frequently.


Your child should spend short periods of time (10-15 minutes) each day reading, talking about their reading or listening to an adult read. Each child has a reading record and we ask that you record any reading activities in the home. Certificates are awarded using the reading record for every 25 days of reading at home.


Once a week our year 6 class (Eagles) visit Robins to do Buddy Reading.  Each Robin will sit with a year six and share a book together.

The Oxford Owl reading website is a fantastic resource for guiding parents on how they can support their child’s reading. Please click on the link below for details.

The Oxford Owl
