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Autumn Term 2023

November 2023 - Autumn Term 2


Well, what a wonderful first half term we have had! It has been great getting to know the Red Kites a lot better as the term has progressed and see such fantastic learning. They have definitely proved themselves to be creative, resilient, hard-working and extraordinarily kind. We are very proud of the progress they have made personally and academically.


Ronald may have had a sleepover with some of your Red Kites this term; thank you for treating him so graciously and for the wonderful diary entries- it has been an absolute joy to see all of his adventures. I have had a good ol’ chat with Ronald, and he is looking forward to visiting many more of you throughout the year!


There will be lots of exciting learning this term, a few visitors and maybe something (sings…) ‘a little bit naughty!’ as Christmas draws closer (I wonder how many of you will guess what it is from my clue!). So whilst we will be very busy, I will make sure we have lots of fun-filled weeks. Christmas is Miss Redgrave’s favourite time of year, after all!


‘All about Australia’ will be our topic for this half term… maybe you could compile some facts in your free time to wow the class with (?!). For example; did you know that there are more kangaroos than humans living in Australia?!


We will be continuing our work about Australia across much of the curriculum where we will be exploring traditional Australian tales and trying our hand at aboriginal art!


We will be starting our new whole class reading book this term, too. But I will keep my lips sealed until I have let the Red Kites know so as not to give any spoilers!


Here are our topics for other areas of the curriculum:


SPaG –Determiners, clauses and conjunctions

Science – Light

RE – Right and wrong

PSHE – Celebrating differences

PE – Fitness and Football

Art – Australian aboriginal art forms  

Spanish - Animals

Music – Soundscapes and compositions

DT- Seasonal foods

ICT- Computing systems and networks


We are looking forward to welcoming you all back into the spooky season on Halloween!


Miss Redgrave and Miss Bloomfield

Having lots of fun learning about Roman artefacts with Dr Sutcliffe!

We had lots of fun at the Iron Man workshop!

September 2023 - Autumn Term 1


Welcome to Red Kites' class page!


It has been a great start to the Autumn term and we have been incredibly impressed with how well everybody has settled into KS2, especially in the extreme heat! The children have quickly got to grips with our class routines and expectations and have been showcasing their application of our school values.


The Romans are our topic for this half term and we are already compiling lots of exciting facts… did you know that Rome was founded in 753BC and subsequently named after its first king, Romulus?!


In our writing lessons so far this term, we have been begun by exploring our model text ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; The Chocolate Room’, which will lead us onto writing our very own stories about our dream rooms. 


In our reading lessons, we have been looking at The Iron Man by author and poet Ted Hughes. We have shared lots of very insightful ideas about the book using fantastic inference skills and created fact files on Ted Hughes. I wonder what we will learn about the Iron Man as we continue reading…


In maths this half term, we will be exploring place value with Miss Redgrave and Shape with Mrs Cooper. We have explored lots of creative ways to learn, such as creating a human number line to secure our knowledge of numbers up to 100! We also practice our arithmetic skills every day to wake up our brains so we are ready to learn; I have been particularly impressed with our fluency in number patterns.


In Year 3, our learners will be given a login for TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars) and we encourage students to spend time outside of school practising to help with fluency- there will even be opportunities for certificates and rewards!


Here are our topics for other areas of the curriculum:


SPaG – Noun Phrases, Sentence Types, Apostrophes and Tenses.

Science – The Human Body

RE – Birth Ceremonies

PSHE – Being Me

PE - Tag rugby and Gymnastics

Art – Portraits Using Different Techniques  

Spanish - Phonetics

Music – Ballads

DT- Textiles

ICT- Internet Safety


Red Kites have had a brilliant start to Year 3 and I am looking forward to seeing everybody grow (in learning, in personal achievements and in height!) as the year progresses!




Miss Redgrave and Miss Bloomfield
