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Uniform Standards

We have a standard school uniform, which is required for children in Reception-Year 6. Our uniform consists of a maroon sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan with a blue polo shirt, grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress. Whilst our school uniform is not compulsory in our Nursery Class, wearing part of the uniform will support your child/ren in feeling part of our community and preparing them for their transition into school. In Nursery we recommend school uniform top and plain, practical bottoms. 


We have a Drayton School PE kit consisting of a white t-shirt and plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms (without any sports logos or emblems). We also wear these clothes for Forest School, which all children will experience for one lesson every week. The maroon layer can be worn on top or a long sleeved plain grey or black top.


Logos are essential for being able to identify our pupils

  • on school trips
  • for special visitors
  • sporting events
  • class performances and special assemblies  
  • official school photos.


Children must wear a logo'd item for all the above listed events, as a minimum your child should have 1 white PE logo shirt, 1 blue polo logo top, and 1 maroon cardigan/jumper with a logo. The school will remind families when logo’d uniform is required. Iron on logos will be available to order via the school office, we will communicate when this service is available.


Being physically active at playtimes, during PE lessons and Forest School is an important feature of our school day, so we want to promote the wearing of comfortable shoes suitable for activity both indoors and outdoors. This is why we have made the decision to give families the option of wearing plain, all black smart trainers every day. Fashion trainers such as converse and high-tops are not permissible as we still want our pupils to look and feel smart at school. Fashion trainers and shoes can be enjoyed outside school time. Families can still opt for a smart shoe if preferred.


In November/December, as we head into winter with wetter, muddier conditions, we do not want to restrict outside experiences but also want to keep children’s feet dry and comfortable during classroom lessons. All pupils will be asked to keep a pair of wellingtons and a plain pair of sensible, practical slippers with grippy, rubber soles at school. When going outside, children will change from smart trainers or shoes to wellingtons. Children will be able to change into slippers for classroom learning to ensure they have comfortable, warm feet. This will in turn reduce the volume of mud tracked into the school building, help us look after and retain our carpets, and make our cleaning team happier. We need to explore children-friendly storage solutions for this school shoe collection so look out for further communication on wellies and slippers towards the end of 2024.



  • For safety reasons and the loss of potentially valuable or sentimental items, jewellery of any kind is not allowed except for if your child has pierced ears then small stud earrings are allowed. No hooped or dangly earrings to avoid catching them during physical activity.
  • Watches can be worn but they must NOT have the functionality to take photos and videos, connect to the internet and make calls
  • Plain single-coloured black, light blue, maroon or grey caps and hats are encouraged at school to keep heads warm or protected from the sun.
  • No nail varnish should be worn.
  • No razor or clipper hair designs.
  • No hair dye.
  • Plain, single-coloured hair accessories in any of the school colours (maroon, light blue, black, grey and white) are permissible.
  • No multi coloured hair bands, bows, headbands or scrunchies.


All children are expected to come to school wearing a backpack containing:

  • daily reading books
  • reading journal
  • a change of clothes in early years and as needed in other year groups
  • a water bottle
  • a winter or summer hat
  • healthy morning break time snack for Years 3-6. Children in Nursery to Year 2 have fruit provided by the government fruit scheme
  • Children having packed lunch (with no nuts or traces of nuts) will store this in the backpack or separately.
  • During hotter, summer months, children must also carry a name labelled bottle of suntan lotion.
  • Throughout the seasons, children must always come to school with the right outerwear for freezing, cold, rainy, showery and warm weather.


It is a National Curriculum (NC) requirement for all pupils to be able to swim 25m and complete some water safety expectations. In Summer 2025, we will be trialling bringing the pool to school for 3 weeks in our main playground. This ensures Year 3 children will receive swimming lessons every year and anyone, now in Years 4, 5 and 6 who did not achieve the NC requirements, will have the opportunity to secure them before they leave primary school. The pool provides opportunities for pupils to benefit from the sensory experience of being in water and we hope to offer younger pupils opportunities to also access the pool. Attire for swimming must include the following:

  • swimming costume, suit or trunks (no two-piece costumes or baggy shorts)
  • googles
  • rubber or fabric swimming hat
  • longer hair already tied back in a ponytail, bun or plait/s.
  • towel

Main uniform requirements


PE and Forest School requirements

Yr R-Yr6


Maroon sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan with or without school logo.


Maroon sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan with or without school logo.


Plain light blue polo shirt with or without school logo.



Plain white t-shirt with or without school logo. A long-sleeved plain grey or black top can be worn for Forest School.


Dark grey trousers, shorts and skirts.


No leggings.


Plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms (without any sports logos or emblems)


No leggings.

Plain grey pinafore dresses or checked blue or maroon (not red) summer dresses.


Plain black, grey or white socks.


Plain black, grey or white socks.


Practical, comfortable all black trainers or shoes.

No open toe sandals.

No high-tops, fashion trainers or converse.

No coloured or white fashion logos.


Practical, comfortable all black trainers or shoes.

No open toe sandals.

No high-tops, fashion trainers or converse.

No coloured or white fashion logos.



Uniform Supplier

Our uniform supplier is Trutex in Didcot, Orders can be placed via the website, they can take telephone enquiries/orders on 01235 211011, or you can go to their shop to try the items on at

Trutex Didcot, 14 Cockcroft Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 8LL.


Supermarket Uniform

All bigger supermarkets typically sell competitively priced light blue polo shirts, white t-shirts, maroon cardigans, maroon jumpers, grey dresses and grey trousers.


School Logos

Logos will be available to be bought from the school office to iron on to polo shirts, t-shirts, cardigans or jumpers.


Pre-loved Uniform

FODSA hold termly pre-loved school uniform sales at school. They also have a Facebook page where items can be requested. Please search ‘FODSA Drayton’ on Facebook for all their details.


Whole school PE and Forest school days








Forest School








 Forest School



Year 1

Forest School









Year 2




 Forest School


Year 3


Forest School




Year 4




Forest School


Year 5


Forest School




Year 6



 Forest School


