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Homework Expectations

Spotlight on Homework

At Drayton, we feel passionately that the most significant thing that you, as parents, can do to support your child’s learning is to share books with them on a regular basis. By this we mean reading to your child, listening to your child read and talking about what you are reading. As adults, we are all reading role models – there is lots of evidence that children seeing their parents read is a powerful factor in encouraging them to read more frequently.


Becoming a confident reader able to understand a range of texts is hugely important – it allows a child to grow in confidence and to access all areas of the curriculum.


Your child should spend short periods of time (10-15 minutes) each day reading, talking about their reading or listening to an adult read. Each child has a reading record and we ask that you record any reading activities in the home.


The Oxford Owl reading website is a fantastic resource for guiding parents on how they can support their child’s reading. Please click on the link below for details.


Lots of evidence exists which states that weekly homework tasks (eg a maths worksheet) set in the primary years have minimal effect in raising standards. This, however, changes slightly as pupils move through secondary school.


With this in mind, there will not be formal weekly homework tasks. However, each term teachers will provide you and your child with some ideas on some of the things you may choose to do at home to support your child’s learning. Teachers will not expect children to bring any work completed at home into school and if they do it will not be marked.


Later on in the academic year, children in our Y6 class will be given formal homework. We think this is important as it encourages them to become organised and independent before they head to secondary school.


Please feel free to talk to your child’s teacher about some of the things you can do to support your child’s learning.
