Γροοωψ Γρεεκσ!
This term Puffins will be learning all about ancient Greeks and the Olympics. We will be getting up to lots of exciting things including learning about ancient Greek home life, Athens Vs Sparta, Greek Gods and mythical creatures and learning about the history of the Olympics.
We will become pottery experts and become creative with shield designs and mythical creature creations.
In literacy we will be listening to myths and fables, creating information books and learning to write some words in Greek.
We will also be doing lots of experiments with materials in our science lessons, whilst in PE we will be learning some Greek dance moves!
Amazing Artists!
Welcome back! I hope that you all had a lovely Easter break and are now ready to start Term 5!
This term Puffins topic is 'Amazing Artists!' where we will be looking at Vincent Van Gogh and L.S Lowry. The children will be finding out about the artists themselves , looking at their art work and becoming artists themselves as we attempt to recreate some of the wonderful masterpieces.
Linked to this the children will also be learning lots about plants and flowers and will be becoming scientists as we conduct investigations to discover what plants need to grow.
If you have any hidden Vincent Van Gogh or Lowry expertise then please feel free to come in and share your knowledge with the class
I am looking forward to an exciting term and I hope that you are as well!
Term two is another exciting term as we move from the streets of London in 1666, to a more recent time. We will be following the Big Friendly Giant and his human bean friend Sophie. We will have fun exploring the developing friendship of the giant with ears as big as truck wheels, and teeth like huge white slices of bread. Join us as the duo battle against the giants to save the humans.