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We have a basic school uniform which is required throughout the school.


Please make sure ALL uniform is named.


Uniform consists of a maroon Drayton School sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo, and blue polo shirt, worn with other items of plain clothing sold as “school-wear” by shops and supermarkets.


We have a Drayton School PE kit consisting of a white t-shirt with the school logo and plain black shorts (without any sports logos or emblems). Robins start PE after Christmas.


Requirements as follows:

  • Drayton School sweatshirts or cardigans and pale blue open-necked polo shirts are available and can be ordered online from Trutex, with the school logo.
  • Trousers, shorts and skirts should be dark grey or black.  No leggings should be worn.
  • Plain grey/black pinafore dresses or checked or striped summer dresses in blue or maroon can be worn instead of separates.
  • Shoes should be black and not be fashion items. Toes should be protected i.e. opened toed sandals are not permissible.  Socks or tights should be plain and either black, grey or white.   
  • Jewellery of any kind is not allowed except for a watch; if your child has pierced ears then stud earrings are allowed.
  • No nail varnish should be worn.


To buy uniform with the school logo please contact Trutex, Didcot, via their website 


Alternatively our PTA, FODSA has plenty of second hand logo uniform for sale.  Find them using their Facebook page Friends of Drayton School Association, or via the school office. 

