We have a basic school uniform which is required throughout the school.
Please make sure ALL uniform is named.
Uniform consists of a maroon Drayton School sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo, and blue polo shirt, worn with other items of plain clothing sold as “school-wear” by shops and supermarkets.
We have a Drayton School PE kit consisting of a white t-shirt with the school logo and plain black shorts (without any sports logos or emblems). Robins start PE after Christmas.
Requirements as follows:
To buy uniform with the school logo please contact Trutex, Didcot, via their website https://myschoolwear.co.uk/product-category/select-your-school/drayton-school/
Alternatively our PTA, FODSA has plenty of second hand logo uniform for sale. Find them using their Facebook page Friends of Drayton School Association, or via the school office.