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Blackbirds - Year 2


Term 6



Welcome back to the final term of the year. This term to link with the Olympic Games, Blackbirds will be looking at and studying all things to do with Kenya and Africa. In literacy we will be looking at stories set in Kenya and creating non-chronological reports all about the animals that live in Kenya. During topic time we will be comparing Drayton village to that of a village in Kenya and many more exciting things.



Under the Sea

Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely Easter holiday and have had a chance to recharge your batteries ready for Term 5.


This term our topic in Blackbirds is "Under the Sea". We'll be looking at all things to do with the sea and ocean. We'll be looking at  locating the seas and oceans around Britain and the world, the animals that live below the waves and the ships and boats that sail upon the waves. Linked to this we will be taking inspiration from the sea to create pieces of art and poetry.


If you have any items or stories linked to the topic please bring it and share with the class smiley


Term 3



Welcome back we hope you had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year. This term we are looking at one of natures most destructive forces......volcanoes! We will be looking at how they're formed, how it is made up and what happens when it erupts.




Term 2


Roald Dahl

After an action packed term 1 learning all about Guy Fawkes, we move onto an equally exciting and enthralling topic which is all about Roald Dahl. As a class we will be looking at this classic childrens author who has inspired so many people to both read and write. We will be reading some of the man's countless stories such as "Fantastic Mr Fox" and "George's Marvellous Medicine". We will also be heading off on our first class trip of the year to the Roald Dahl museum.


Welcome to Blackbirds

Term 1


The Gunpowder Plot

Welcome back to school and welcome to Blackbirds!


We are looking forward to a fun filled year in school and are starting off with an exciting topic all about the Gunpowder plot. We will be learning the story behind this famous event, who the main characters were in this story and about how we remember this famous event.

Our PE day will be on Wednesday so please ensure children have the correct PE kit, including suitable shoes for outdoor PE. 
