Our topic for the second term is Vikings!
We will have a trip to Banbury museum to visit a Viking Exhibition. We will be learning all about the Viking way of life. We will start with learning about how they first arrived to Britain and why they settled here. After this we will move onto their everyday life. We will be writing our own character flaw story looking at describing characters and setting scenes.
Our topic for the first term is Ancient Greece!
We will be looking at the famous Ancient Greek Myths and Legends. We will then have a go at writing our own Greek style myth. We have looked at several myths and legends already including:
- Medusa
- Pandora's Box
and Odysseus.
We will start by looking at where Greece is located, then moving onto the life and times of Greece. We will be focusing on how people lived in those times and what it means to be Greek. We will learn all about the origin of the Olympics and even have a go at having our own Olympics.
Our writing for this term has been based firstly around explanation texts, in which we have looked at the reasons behind the extinction of dragons and dinosaurs, using causal language to help explain cause and effect. We are now writing our own texts to explain the threats to current creatures and why they are endangered.
Following this, we will be exploring suspense - what elements of a text will create tension, make us want to read on and keep us on the edge of our seats...
In reading, we have begun the story of 'The boy in the Tower". This is a fantastic book all about a boy and his experiences in the tower. It is a great book about friendship, trust and courage.
In maths, we are looking at place value, addition and subtraction. In Place value lessons we have been looking at partitoning 5/6 digit numbers into ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. In addition and subtraction we will be focusing on 4 digit by 4 digit addition and subtraction with exchange.
After half term we will be working on Statistics, where we will learn to interpret graphs, charts and tables, and also Multiplication and Division, where we will have studied factors, multiples, square & cube numbers and prime numbers. After which we will be moving onto Perimeter and Area. In addition to this, we will practice arithmetic skills (mental maths) and times tables daily, with a particular focus for each set every week.
Science –Living things and their habitats-- Planets
Computing - Searching the basics---Mars Rover
RE - Christianity and Islam
PSHE – New year----Dreams and Goals
PE – Football ( Tuesday) + Swimming ( Wednesday)- Team games
Music – Here Come the Egyptains----The Blues
Forest School – Working on FS skills (Wednesday)