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Kingfishers Year 4/5

Moon Mission

Celebrating diversity

The Highwayman

Term 6

Term 6 will see Kingfishers class investigate Alfred Noyes narrative poem The Highwayman, where we shall dramatise,  perform, recreate and look into the many facets and wonderful techniques used to create such a wonderful piece of literature.

Best insulator

Term 4

This term we will be finishing the Harry Potter theme, with a school trip and a book review of the fantastic book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Please come and see them when they are displayed in the library. 

I am really looking forward to an exciting topic later this term with LEGO! Where we shall not only be reading Lego Star Wars, but also creating our own film too. And no topic would be complete without a mandatory school visit to LEGOLAND.  

Harry Potter World

Term 4 Overview

Electrical circuits

How to support your child in Maths Reception - Year 6
