We don't expect children to arrive in Robins able to write their name or read; we are here to teach them how to do that. The best way to prepare your child is to talk positively about school, maybe get some books from the library about starting school and read them together.
Help your child develop skills to support their independence. Things like taking their coat and shoes on and off, looking after their possessions, using the toilet confidently and washing their hands will all give them a sense of independence that will help in their first few weeks of school.
Help your child feel confident. Let them know that it is OK to let a teacher know if they need to go to the toilet or are feeling a bit unsure about something.
Stay & Play
Before the summer holidays we will hold a Stay & Play sessions for all new Robins children and their parents. Our Early Years team will be in the hall leading play and will be available for you to chat to and ask any questions.
Classroom Visit
We will also organise a classroom visit for all new starters, usually in two groups of fifteen, where parents drop children off for a couple of hours to get to know their new classroom garden and meet new friends and staff.
Details of all the above will be emailed to you.
To help you talk to your child about their first day in Robins, here is a general timetable of how the day will go.