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Vision and Values

A Community in which Everyone Flourishes


Strategic Priorities September 2023


Broadening Horizons

Multi-disciplinary knowledge of the world is central to our pupils if they are to make a positive contribution to society. The regularly reviewed curriculum offer is broad, ambitious and effectively prepares children for the next stage of their education. The School follows assessment approaches which add value to the learning process. The curriculum is complemented by the Drayton Pledge (see below), which ensures rich experiences are provided for every pupil.


The school embeds content relating to environmental/conservation issues in its curriculum. All pupils are offered the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular activities, including competitive fixtures and events with other local schools.


Enabling All Pupils to Thrive

 The school is research-informed and implements approaches which are refined through professional learning. The use of high-quality texts is prioritised leading to improved standards of oracy. Ambition for all pupils is high. There is a holistic approach to education, ensuring the needs of the whole child are catered for. This includes their academic, emotional, and social needs.


A Calm and Purposeful Environment

 Expectations of all pupils are high. Kindness and gratitude are the norm in all interactions. Lessons are free from disruption and time is used effectively. Adults have equal authority and lead behaviour both in and out of classrooms. Children and adults have pride in the school environment. Senior leaders ‘set the tone’ for a calm and purposeful environment.


Effective Support for Children and their Families

 The school is a nurturing environment in which to develop and grow. The school acts as a buffer for vulnerable families prior to early help services becoming engaged. Staff continue to develop excellent relationships with families and act quickly when a family faces difficulty or a crisis. The school abides by its safeguarding statement (see below).


A Skilled Workforce

 Professional learning opportunities are provided for all colleagues, which leads to a development of expertise linked to each role. A sense of purpose pervades the school as colleagues focus on those practices that make a difference to children’s lives. We access the expertise in place by learning from each other. The school’s profile is raised locally and beyond by proactively sharing expertise and good practice, while at the same time learning from other educational settings to improve our own practice.


Growing Future Leaders

 An effective appraisal process helps provide opportunities for leaders to develop expertise in finding solutions to the common challenges of school leadership. The school is outward facing and aims to be a prominent player in the provision of school-to-school support. Effective succession planning is in place. Pupils are given opportunities to develop leadership skills.



The Drayton Pledge

The ‘Drayton Pledge’ is a commitment that during their time at our school, children will have the opportunity:

  • To cook and taste a variety of nutritious foods
  • To visit a theatre, a museum and a gallery
  • To sing, dance or act in a performance to their peers and families
  • To learn to play a musical instrument
  • To try a variety of sports and take part in competitions
  • To visit the seaside, a farm, woodlands and a city
  • To take part in an exchange of news and good wishes with children from another country.



Our School Values




The Pursuit of knowledge

