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Summer Term (Archive)

Welcome to Kingfishers class page!


Kingfishers have made a great start to the Summer term, with excellent learning behaviours and attitude towards studying and representing themselves across the school – well done!

PE will be on Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon. 

Topic: Oxford Castle and WW2

Our topic for the first half term will be Oxford:

Our topic for this term is a local study based on Oxford castle.

We be exploring the castle’s history, from its beginnings as a motte and bailey castle built by William the Conqueror, through its use after the English Civil War as a prison, and up to modern times as a hotel and social venue. We will be map-reading, investigating Oxfords architecture and visiting the Castle itself.


Our topic for this half-term is World War 2.

We will be researching why the war began, how it affected ordinary people in the UK, and how it changed working life for women. We'll also study the Battle of Britain, the Blitz, the Allies and the Axis, and the holocaust. We have a trip planned to the Milestones Museum in Basingstoke on the 29th June, where we will look at some of the important jobs during the Blitz and how rationing affected how we shopped.




Our latest topic is looking at explanation texts. We are looking at explanation texts, we are focuisng on the ideas of Wallace and Gromit. Our favourite invention is the Snoozanator. We have had a go at designing our own invention and explaining to Wallace and Gromit how it works. 


We then had a look at tales of fear. We had a great time scaring each other and looking at how our fears can be overcome. We had a look at the story of the Nightmare man and had a go at writing our own tales of fear. 


After half term: 


Our first topic for writing will be looking at portal tales. We will be writing about travelling through time to Egypt. Our model text will be The Time Slip Scarab". We will be going over all the grammar we have been learning this year so far. 


Whole Class Reading Book- Holes

In reading, we have begun our new book 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. This is a very interesting book about friendship, overcoming challenges and perserverance. We had a lot of fun learning all about the different characters and predicting what we think would happen next. 


We have just started reading Private Peaceful, it is a brilliant book all about life during the war. We have enjoyed looking at all the different characters and comparing life druing the war and life today. 



In maths, we are currently working on properties of shape, including types of and the measuring of angles.  We also continue to practice the skills we learned in previous terms such as multiplication and division. After properties of shape we will be looking at co-ordinates and also units of measurement. In addition to this, we practice arithmetic skills each day (mental maths), along with continually revisiting previous learning. Kingfishers are also encouraged to continue with the very popular Timestable Rockstars at home. Please contact the office if login details are required.


Rio is our class mascot, and has a certain role to play in class each day.

Rio will sit on the desk of a pupil who has passed their secret mission the day before…..

What is this secret mission? Each day, we secretly choose, at random, a child to demonstrate the focus of the day (e.g. participating, working hard, listening well etc). The class will be unaware of who has been chosen and so will all focus on achieving this target. If they pass their mission, the mystery student will be revealed! However, if they do not pass, their identity will remain anonymous, and as a class we will reflect on improvements we can make for the next day.



This term we will be studying World War 2 food packaging. We will be looking at how the food packaging has changed, the deign and rationing. We will be then having a go at designing our own food packaging. We will be linking this work to our Artist study: MAY VAN MILLINGEN. 

Here are our topics for other areas of the curriculum:

Science – Forces recap and then looking at Humans

Computing – Microbits

RE - Justice

PSHE – Changing Me

PE – Frisbe (Monday) Rounders (Tuesday)

Music – Musical theatre



Kingfishers continue to work hard at their learning. We are very proud of their efforts and look forward to this continuing as the term progresses.

Ms Teuten

Useful Websites
