Hello…or rather… bonjour! Welcome back to the final term of the year. As usual it is going to be jam-packed so no relaxing ease-down into the summer holiday unfortunately! We really do have so much going on this term but that’s the way we like it in Eagles Class…
Our topic this term we will be looking at the country France. As well as learning about cultural and sporting traditions we will be looking at France’s role in this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil. We will cover some basic history (the revolution in particular) such as the differences between their royal/political systems and ours, we’ll be using the internet to research their capital city Paris, creating PowerPoints, looking at famous French/Parisian landmarks and, of course, we will be learning some basic French, too. As well as all this, there will an opportunity for children to learn some French songs and even sample some French food on the first day back. La joie de vivre!
As well as this fantastic topic, there is also the small matter of a summer production which needs to happen. This will be performed in the penultimate week of term and I hope all of the children in Eagles class are ready to muster their performance skills. This year we will be performing a variety show called Memories, a play focusing on the children’s years at Drayton Community.
So, let’s roll up our sleeves and hit the ground running! Mr Brabin.