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Meet Mrs Cooper

Mrs Cooper

Where were you born? Reading


How long have you been a teacher?  Oooooh 16 years!


Favourite book  So many!  I love reading, and I can't pick just one, but my favourites include Little Women, The Diary of Anne Frank and Pride and Prejudice 


Favourite film - if films of the above don't count then I'll choose Footloose.  My favourite children's film is probably Moana


Favourite food? - Chocolate obvs!  Favourite proper meal would be Steak and Chips


What are your hobbies?  Reading!  I also love crafting, particularly sewing, knitting and crochet (I even have my own Instagram account to show off my creations), and taking family walks or cycle rides that often include cake and ice cream!  Oh and I've recently started to get back into jigsaw puzzles...


What do you like most about your job?  Seeing children have the 'ah' moment


What do you like most about working at Drayton? Amazing children, fabulous colleagues
