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Autumn Term

November 2023 - Autumn Term 2


Our topic for this half term is Climate Change.


In line with our new topic, we have begun work on a discussion text exploring the question: Should there be tourism in Antarctica? We are all looking forward to delving deeper into this topical issue facing our planet. So far, the children have immersed themselves within the text and have been learning its structure ready to plan their own. The children will be choosing the topic for their own text and I'm sure there will be a wonderful range of choices! 


In our reading lessons, we have just begun looking at There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom by Louis Sachar. This has already sparked fascinating discussions around self-esteem and kindness - the children have shown wonderful empathy and impressive inference skills. 


In maths this half term, we will be beginning our unit on fractions. As we move through this half term, we will be learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. In addition to this, we also practise our arithmetic and retrieval skills every day. Each week, the children have a focus objective, which is taught and practised throughout the week.


We are all looking forward to another busy and exciting half term!


Mrs Webb, Mrs Tyler and Miss Cleghorn

Halloween Fun Run - October 2023

Term 1 Curriculum Map

September 2023 - Autumn Term 1


Welcome to Eagles' class page!


We have been extremely impressed with the way in which Eagles class have begun their time in Year 6. The children have quickly readjusted to school life and have made a fantastic start embedding our school’s routines and expectations.


Our topic for this half term is Ancient Egypt.


In our writing lessons so far this term, we have been begun by exploring our model text, which will lead us to writing our very own Finding Tales. 


In our reading lessons, we have been looking at The Boy, The Bird and The Coffin Maker, which has sparked fascinating and profound discussions. The children have really showcased their inference skills already and we are all really looking forward to tackling many more books this year.


In maths this half term, we will be exploring place value and the four operations. The children have shown that they have a good foundation in these topics so they will be refining their skills to ensure confidence and efficiency. In addition to this, we also practise our arithmetic skills every day. Each week, the children have a focus objective, which is taught and practised throughout the week.


Eagles class have had a fantastic start to this half term and are working extremely hard each and every day. We are very proud of their efforts and are looking forward to this continuing through the term.


Mrs Webb, Mrs Tyler and Miss Cleghorn

Our First Lacrosse Lesson
