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Summer Term

Curriculum Plan

April 2024 - Term 5

Hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful Easter break and welcome to Term 5!


This term, our topic is William Shakespeare and we are all really looking forward to learning about his life and work - including immersing ourselves within his work during our upcoming trip!


In our reading lessons this term, we are exploring a different text each day. This is to broaden children's literary diet and to expose them to a range of text types including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  We are also continuing to enjoy ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’.


In our writing lessons, we are creating a persuasion text to persuade people to buy a new gadget.  Our model text is called 'The Multi-Function Mobile Phone', which tries to persuade Spies to buy this ‘must-have’ gadget. The children have come up with some fantastic ideas for gadgets and who their target audience might be. 


In maths, we are currently in the midst of revising the maths curriculum this term, in order to prepare children for their upcoming SATs and to consolidate their learning. As well as this, we will be continuing to practise our arithmetic skills every day including the ‘Tough Ten' challenge.


Here are our topics for other areas of the curriculum:


Science - Animals including humans

RE – Belief 

PSHE – Relationships

PE – Athletics and Rounders

Music - Violin

Art – Calligraphy 

Spanish – Weather

Computing – Data handling


Eagles class have had a brilliant start to this term and have shown a good retention of the knowledge they have learned so far this year. We are all really looking forward to the children continuing their hard work and for the exciting events we have planned this term.


Mrs Cooper, Mrs Monnery, Mrs Laws































