Term 5 Spring 2016
Welcome back, I hope you all had a relaxing Easter break. This term in Red Kites we will be transporting ourselves back to ancient egyptian times.
In this topic children find out about the way of life of people living in ancient Egypt from archaeological discoveries. Children will develop their understanding of characteristic features of a society; identify the different ways the past is represented; and use sources of information to make simple observations, inferences and deductions.
In this unit, children will have opportunities to use:
We will be learning how to locate ancient Egypt in time and place. Through the investigation of artifacts, we will observe an object in detail and make inferences and deductions, then record information about that object accurately.
We will explore the structure and materials used to build the pyramids and investigate how could these people possibly move stone blocks the size of ELEPHANTS?
Why was the river Nile so important to this civilisation? What are hieroglyphics and what makes them so difficult to read? And how is life different from ancient times to modern times?
Please visit our Tutu's tomb classroom to learn more about what we have been learning.
Class Trip: To be arranged.
Thank you for your continuous support; few reminders
Kind regards,
Miss Kardasz