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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

At Drayton Community Primary School, our intent is that our children develop into happy and successful individuals, confident in the choices they make.  Our PSHE curriculum is designed to teach children to thrive; and includes content on being independent, knowledgeable and socially aware.  Through our whole school systematic approach children will learn the foundations that they need to become lifelong learners who make a positive contribution to modern Britain and beyond. 


The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to enable all to have an understanding of the fundamental building blocks of life.  These include:


  • Healthy, positive relationships including those through social media and other online platforms;

  • Mental and physical well-being with the knowledge to make healthy choices and safe, informed decisions;

  • Being able to manage emotions with the tools to self-regulate when necessary;

  • Understanding the diverse community we live in and embracing the differences between us;


A critical aspect of our curriculum is to ensure children develop self-confidence, self-esteem, resilience and empathy to be able to embrace challenges and develop high aspirations.  This will be fostered through a nurturing environment with interactions that are built upon mutual respect, kindness, collaboration and teamwork.


PSHE at Drayton covers the statutory requirements of Relationships and Sex Education as set out by the Department for Education. 


We will update the curriculum information below, each term. 


If you would like to know more about the curriculum please contact the school office.

