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At Drayton Primary School we recognise the significance of science in every aspect of daily life.


Our intention is to give children a science curriculum which enables them to explore and discover the world around them whilst encouraging a questioning mind about how science influences our everyday lives.


They will be able to ask and answer challenging and thought provoking questions about how things work and why things happen in a particular way. We want children to be confident and curious pupils who can apply their scientific skills and knowledge across the curriculum and in later life. 


We endeavour to promote a genuine enjoyment and excitement for science and provide children with 'wow moments' whilst ensuring they have a solid grasp of key scientific skills as they progress through their school career.

Unlike the topics for Years 1 to 6, the EYFS matrices are not intended to define content coverage. They provide ideas for how children can be introduced to the foundational knowledge of science either through continuous provision or typical themes used in early years’ settings.

Science Day April 2023 - Science Selfies

Eddie and Viv were picked as the winners of the Science Selfie Competition by Dr Webb, and won free tickets to Science Oxford Centre.

Bright Sparks Science Assembly

Science Club

Science Club starts on Monday 12th June and will run all term. It will be run by sign up via Parentmail

Science In Our Local Area
