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Summer Term 2024

Welcome back to our penultimate term!


This term our topic is ‘Weather around the World’. We will be learning about continents, countries and oceans to start and will then explore the 5 key climate zones. Children will learn information about the characteristics of each climate. 


Our literacy focus for this term is story writing. We will be using the story of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ as our stimulus; we will retell the story together using storytelling language, before adapting this story and then inventing our own! As part of our writing we will focus on using adjectives and noun phrases to describe both characters and our story setting.   


Our whole class reading book is ‘Gregory Cool’ by Carline Binch. This book fits perfectly with our topic, as it introduces children to the culture and climate in the Caribbean island of Tobago.


In maths, we will continue counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10. We will start adding equal groups together using repeated addition. This will lead into creating arrays and thinking about how we can share into equal groups. We will also be practising our doubles.


In science we will be talking about what we already know about weather, looking at weather forecasts and having fun with shadows. We will make a class weather station that can measure rainfall, wind direction and temperature.


Throughout the term we will continue daily phonics, and will provide children with plenty of opportunities to practise reading real and alien words, ahead of their phonics screening test in June.   


Here’s to a term of more sunshine and lots of fun learning.

Puffins Team
