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Eagles - Year 6

Merry Christmas from Eagles Class

Autumn Term 

We would like to introduce our class mascot: Mal!



Mal was handcrafted by one of our kind parents and he lives on the desk of a pupil who has passed their secret mission the day before.


What is a a secret mission I hear you ask? Well, one child is secretly chosen at random to demonstrate the day's focus (e.g. participating, working hard, listening well etc). The class are unaware of who this child is, so they all focus on achieving this target. If they pass their mission, the mystery student is revealed, however, if they don't pass, their identity remains anonymous and we reflect on improvements we could make as a class ready for the next day.


Thank you to all the children who have made various items for Mal - he truly is part of our class team!



Eagles class have continued to impress since returning to school after the half term break. The children have maintained their hard-working attitudes and have enjoyed getting back into school life; embracing positive attitudes and wonderful enthusiasm for their learning.


Our topic for this half term is Energy.


In line with our new topic, we are currently working on a non-chronological report detailing the impact of climate change on our planet. We have used various sources to inform our research, including a David Attenborough documentary. The children have really engaged with this topic and I am looking forward to reading their finished reports. In our reading lessons, we have been looking at Greta's Story: The Schoolgirl Who Went on Strike to Save the Planet. The children have felt inspired by Greta's work and have enjoyed learning more about her life and what led her to spark a global debate on climate change. 



In maths this half term, we have begun our unit on fractions. The children are already competent comparing fractions with different denominators, converting and simplifying fractions. As we move through this half term, we will be learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. In addition to this, we also practise our arithmetic skills and times tables every day. Each week, the children have a focus objective, which is taught and practised throughout the week.


Here are our topics for other areas of the curriculum:


SPaG – Word classes and subjunctive form

Science - Electricity

RE - Judaism 

PSHE – Positive Thinking

PE - Tag rugby

Art – Sketching and printing 

French - All About Me

Music – British composers


Eagles class have had a fantastic start to this half term and are working extremely hard each and every day. We are very proud of their efforts and are looking forward to this continuing through the term.


Miss Carrett, Miss Ryan and Mrs Monnery
