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Autumn Term 2023

Our topic for term two is Vikings!

We will be looking at the geography of Scandinavia and the Viking invasion of Britain.  We will learn about Danegeld and the Viking raids on towns and monasteries.  We will think about the local history involved with the Vikings and Alfred the Great.  In art we will think about viking longboats and brooches and how the style of viking brooches has been used by more modern artists and jewellers. 

Making Bolognese sauce

Bass guitar rock stars!

12 Bar Blues

Still image for this video
In music we are learning the 12 bar blues. Here is a video of everyone playing the chords together on a glockenspiel.

In Maths this term we are looking at multiplication and division as well as fractions.  We will think about square, cube and prime numbers and how to multiply and divide by 10,100 and 1000.  We will learn about equivalent fractions and how to find fractions of amounts.  We will be practising our oral reasoning skills each week with different Maths questions to discuss and debate with each other.


Our topic for the first term is Ancient Greece!


We will be looking at the famous Ancient Greek Myths and Legends. We will then have a go at writing our own Greek style myth. We have looked at several myths and legends already including:

- Medusa

- Pandora's Box

- The Minotaur

We will start by looking at where Greece is located, then moving onto the life and times of Greece. We will be focusing on how people lived in those times and what it means to be Greek. We will learn about the differences between Athens and Sparta and think about which city we would like to live in and why.  We will learn all about the origin of the Olympics and even have a go at having our own Olympics.

Extracting DNA from strawberries with Vertex STEM learning

In Maths our first term is about number skills.  We will revisit learning on Roman Numerals before we look at place value to to 1,00000.   We will think about how to  multiply and divide by ten using our knowledge of place value.  We will then move on to addition  and subtraction, learning mental methods as well as written methods to solve problems.  We will think about multiplication and division and how to use the inverse operation to solve missing number problems.  We will learn about fractions and the different ways they can be presented as well as how to find fractions of amounts and how to order fractions

