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Spring Term 2025

Term 4

This term we are learning all about Oxford Castle.

We will be thinking about why it was built, the English Civil War and the difference between Oxford when it was built and now.


In Maths we will be learning about decimals and percentages and how to add and subtract decimals.  We will then move on to thinking about area and perimeter and learn how to find the area and perimeter of different polygons as well as compound shapes.  Our last topic will be statistics where we will learn how to represent and interpret data in graphs and tables.

Term 3

The Silk Road

This term we are learning about the Silk Road where we will explore trade routes and the geographical features along the silk road, Marco Polo's exploration and writings and Chinese Dynasties.  We will look at how alongside the goods traded, information and cultures were passed along these routes and how this impacted different civilisations.

This term in maths we will be moving on with multiplication and division where we will learn some written methods for calculation such as grid and area methods for multiplication and short division.  We will also extend our understanding of fractions and learn how to multiply fractions and find fractions of amounts.

We will be focussing on our verbal maths skills in our 'Chatty Maths' sessions where children will have the opportunity to discuss a variety of open ended questions together.
