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Autumn 2024

Term 2 Curriculum

Term 1 Curriculum

Dear Parents and Children,


Welcome to Blackbirds class page! I hope that you have all had a fabulous summer break and are ready to start a new school year.


I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about the exciting new topic we will be immersing ourselves in this term: The United Kingdom.


Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the rich and diverse culture of our beloved country. This topic will allow the children to develop a sense of pride in their heritage and deepen their understanding of the place they call home.


To make this topic engaging and interactive, we have planned a range of activities and projects. We will start by exploring the different countries that make up the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Through discussions, presentations, and group work, the children will gain a better understanding of the unique features and traditions of each country.


We will also focus on the geography of the United Kingdom. We will study the physical features, including rivers, mountains, and coastlines, as well as the major cities and their significance. This will allow the children to develop their map-reading skills and enhance their knowledge of the local area.


To reinforce and consolidate their understanding, there will be regular assessments and activities throughout the term. It would be greatly appreciated if parents could take the time to discuss the topic at home and assist with any additional research or projects.


I am confident that this topic will ignite curiosity and foster a deeper appreciation for our nation. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Let's embark on this journey of exploration and discovery together!


Warm regards,

Lisa Durman (Year 2 class teacher)

